St. Patrick’s Day Supergreen Smoothie Machine

St Patrick’s Day is around the corner and we’re seeing GREEN! Enjoy this delicious smoothie from the SQ1 family to yours.

Check out this recipe:  Supergreen Smoothie Machine made with SQ1 spinach.  Don’t let the spinach scare you it is really good!

1 (2 oz.) Square One Organic Spinach cup, frozen 

1 cup frozen organic blueberries or cherries or apples

1 cup Vanilla Rice DreamÒ rice milk

½ cup Rice DreamÒ organic vanilla non-dairy frozen dessert

1 tablespoon organic Agave nectar or 2 pitted organic dates (optional)

Run frozen spinach cup briefly under warm water to loosen.

Remove foil and pop spinach into blender container.

Add remaining ingredients.

Blend until smooth.

Yield: 1 ¾ cups

March 15, 2013 at 2:51 pm Leave a comment

The 6 Month and Up Crowd

It was great to see a packed classroom Monday night at Wholefoods Market in Lincoln Park for the Bump Club and Beyond 4-8 month baby food making class. The number of Dad’s in Monday night’s sold out crowd we super impressive!! I co-authored this class with Chef Amanda Skrip. This is the first class in the series, which we put on a few times a year. So glad you all are enjoying it and talking it up to your pals.

In this class, Amanda shows families how to cook some key first foods and I take the class through safe food introduction using the SQ1 Superfood Introductory Guide and the SQ1 Daily Trackers. Additionally, we tackle this list of important topics:
• What is Gluten and Why Gluten-Free?
• What are Nitrates and why is it important to know about them when introducing first foods?
• What to know about water and infants?
• What foods to combine at mealtime and why?
• Why is eating from a spoon important to the development of a baby’s mouth?
• What are the 3 important reasons to NOT blend first foods?
• What are food families and why is it important to know about them when introducing first foods?
• Why are Vitamin A foods so important and which foods are excellent sources of Vitamin A?
• Why are Vitamin C foods so important and which foods are excellent sources of Vitamin C?
• What are Supergreens, which foods are supergreens and which ones should not be introduced before 8 months?
• What are the most important things to buy organic for babies when budgets are tight?
• Why and how to set up a batch cooking routine?
• What books, websites and products I strongly encourage my class to use. 

It’s a lot and I talk up to the last minute but we get it all done!

Here is a little taste of what we cover in the class!

Food introduction for babies 6 months and up – Up until now, it has been mostly breast milk or formula and possible some cereal depending on what your pediatrician suggests. Now it’s time to venture into the land of what foods to introduce first and why. I am a big believer that the every time children eat it is an opportunity to make a positive impact their growth, development and future food choices. Organic superfoods are a smart way to go. Here are a couple of helpful hints to get things started.

1.) Download the Square One Organics Superfood Guide and tape it to your refrigerator door. We developed this with a Pediatric Nutritionist and a Pediatric Allergist, from Children’s Memorial Hospital. This is a helpful tool that takes the guesswork out of what food introduction. Across the top, we breakdown superfoods into 4 categories, Vitamin A’s, Vitamin C’s, Supergreens and Supergrains. The left column, shows at what age your child’s digestive system is mature enough to have the foods listed introduced.

2.) Also developed with our medical team, these daily journals were designed to give guidelines on appropriate portion size, meal/snack frequency, liquid intake, sleep, wet diaper, dirty diaper and any sort of food reactions. These are great tools for a few reasons: First, they are excellent daily guidelines and record keepers for families who use childcare inside and outside of the home. Second, record any questions or concerns on the journal and bring it to your Pediatrician visits. Finally, for those of you list lovers, like myself, these were developed for you. These days if I don’t write it down I just don’t remember.

3.) Here are some of my most favorite foods for this age group. Avocados, Millet and Papaya, are such important first food for babies. First, Avocados which are nature’s source of unsaturated fatty acids that babies need for brain development. Avocados are ripe when they yield to gentle pressure and feel soft to a 5 finger gentle squeeze. Try to mash and incorporate this amazing vegetable into your child’s routine every day. It is an important food for them to learn to love so that it will continue to be part of their “good fat” food routine.

Millet is another one of my favorite foods for babies this age. It cooks up nicely into a cereal and is one of the most hypo-allergenic grains you can find. Buy it organic in bulk at any Whole Foods Market. To cook millet simmer 1/2 cup in 11/2 cups of water. If you leave it alone as it cooks, you’ll get fluffy grains like rice; if you stir frequently and add a little extra liquid during cooking, you’ll get a dish that resembles mashed potatoes. It takes about 25 minutes to cook millet by simmering. At mealtime scoop out what you need dilute it with what your baby is drinking, pop it into a mini processer and infant cereal it is! Store the leftover uncooked millet in tightly sealed jars on the pantry shelf, except during very hot, humid weather when it may be best to keep them in the refrigerator.

Finally, Papaya, I love this food because it is an above excellent, low-acid source of Vitamin C. It contains the enzyme Papin, which ads in digestion. Think about it, happiness is a baby that sleeps, which is what you are working on at this age. Baby can’t sleep if baby can’t poop so feed Papaya to keep those digestive juices working smoothly. Organic Papaya is one of the foods Square One Organics offers. Click here to see where Square One Organics is available near you.

Stay tuned for my follow-up blogs on the other topics we cover in class!

February 28, 2013 at 6:58 pm Leave a comment

8 Month & Up Crowd

At this point your child’s digestive system is maturing and a slightly bigger variety of foods are good to be introduced.  Continue to use the Square One® Organics Superfood Guide for suggestions on what new foods to introduce.  In addition to continuing the daily avocado routine, here my top 3 things to keep in mind during for this age group.

1.     Two more SQ1 resource materials can be helpful: The Square One Organics Food Family Awareness Chart This chart shows you which foods are members of the same food families.  As you introduce foods, try to work inside a handful of food families.   Dr Nimmagadda recently wrote an article for Square One Organics about how children may react similarly to foods inside the same food family.  To read Dr. Nimmagadda’s complete article go to  Second, The Square One Organics Daily 8 Month and Up Journal can help with eating frequency, appropriate portion sizes, sleep, liquid intake quantities etc.

2.     Pincer practice and spoon grabbing! Yes these two things are part of the age territory.   Here are some tips.  As part of my feeding gear, I would always have a number of plastic table spoons on the twins’ highchair trays so they could practice their spoon grabbing skills.  They see us feeding them with a spoon and they just want to try too.  It can get messy but that’s how they learn!  For Pincer practice try some ripe avocado pieces and/or soft tofu pieces on the highchair tray.

3.     Mango, Quinoa and Broccoli – These are probably my favorite foods at this age.  Mango because it is an excellent source of Vitamin A and C.  Mango is also a superfood for immunity and the heart. 
Quinoa is a favorite because it is Gluten-Free, has the highest protein count of any other grain on the planet and possess all of the essential amino acids.  Finally, Broccoli, one of my favorite supergreens because is such a multi-tasker.  Broccoli is a superfood for bone, heart, brain, immunity and antioxidant.  It is an excellent source of Vitamin A, C and Folate.  It is such a great food for your child to learn to love!  For more food facts check out

February 21, 2013 at 5:48 pm Leave a comment

SQ1 Loves EWG


Thanks to Environmental Working Group scientists for putting together these easy-to-use tips on how to read labels on personal care products. Check out the new video below:

It’s the mission at Environmental Working Group to use the power of information to protect human health and the environment. EWG’s Skin Deep database gives you practical solutions to protect yourself and your family from everyday exposures to chemicals. Their staff scientists compare the ingredients on personal care product labels and websites to information in nearly 60 toxicity and regulatory databases. Now in its eighth year, EWG’s Skin Deep database provides you with easy-to-navigate safety ratings for a wide range of products and ingredients on the market. At about one million page views per month, EWG’s Skin Deep is the world’s largest personal care product safety guide.

January 30, 2013 at 5:40 pm Leave a comment

SQ1 Loves Children’s Books!

Thanks MOCHA for this great list of children’s books that talkImage about food allergies.  All of these now can be found at the Northbrook Public Library.

MOCHA (Mothers of Children Having Allergies) is a group of parents sharing information and supporting each other. The 350+ Chicagoland members make up an amazing organization that does so much to advocate for kids with food allergies. Thanks again for making this happen, MOCHA!

Love these books? They can also be found on – don’t forget to add some delicious SQ1 Superfoods to your cart before checking out!


Yes I Can! Have My Cake and Food Allergies Too – by Julie Wethington
Food Allergies and Me by Juniper Skinner
The Bugabees: Friends with Food Allergies
Everyday Cool With Food Allergies
No Biggie Bunch series (this is actually a series of 4 books that address different issues (birthday party, Halloween, etc.))
The BugyBops – Friends for All Time

January 9, 2013 at 8:09 pm Leave a comment

Snack Smart Solutions App Makes Snacking Healthy at the Tip of Your Fingers

By Jasmine Jafferali

Our good friend, Jasmine Jafferali, MPH, ACE-CPT has written a fantastic article to share with the SQ1 crowd on her new mobile phone app, Snack Smart Solutions.

Jasmine is the Program Director for Healthy Results, Ltd, and Program Coordinator for Educational Fitness Solutions, Inc. She has a diverse fitness background with over ten years of fitness and wellness industry experience working in campus recreation, corporate wellness, and a high-end commercial health club setting. She has presented on a wide range of health and fitness topics for the community, at major corporations, and at national and international conferences. Jasmine specializes in Maternal and Child Health and Wellness focusing on pre and postnatal fitness and is a Master Trainer for Healthy Moms® Fitness and Resist-a-ball®.

I am super excited to launch my new app called Snack Smart Solutions. I originally met with Kim Koeller of Gluten Free Passport ( ) to talk about writing an ebook.  She talked me out of it and said doing an app is the way to go.  I left a tad stumped, but it made sense to me.  As I was getting ready to go to bed that evening, right on my night stand was notes on a seminar I just did for Active Mom’s Club ( ) called Smart Snack Solutions.  It was aimed to help new moms have get quick healthy snacks to keep up their energy and not over eat.  I had a list of several snacks that were creatively paired to naturally help boost energy in the body.  The light bulb went off and the next day I began working creating and pairing up more healthy snacks.

I read a study where Americans eat 200 calories over each snack they consume.   If each snack is 150-200 calories, it meant Americans are consuming calories that is equivalent to a meal.  Snacks are meant to be low in calories just enough to sustain blood sugars and help us get through to our next meal.   The problem is we unconsciously eat snack foods while sitting at our desks, we snack out of boredom or while waiting in traffic not realizing how much we are consuming.

While working with clients or conducting seminars I was learning that we don’t know how to snack.  I did a survey on Facebook and learned the favorite healthy snack food was fruit.  While fruit is good, it is not great as it often leaves you hungry again in 30-45 minutes, if not sooner.  The reason being it has not been paired with a protein to help sustain us to our next meal.

There are 40 different snack solutions on this app and 20 more will be uploaded by March of 2013.  My goal is to have 100 different healthy snack solutions so there is no excuse not to be prepared and make smart snack choices.  My 3 p.m. Snack Slump is filled with foods that synergistically work in your body to create energy or give you that boost you need to get you through the afternoon.  The Evening Snack Attack section has foods that paired to help boost serotonin levels and rich in magnesium to help you relax and go to sleep at night.  Though, you can eat any of the snacks any time of the day.   There is something for everyone in this app from Gluten Free Snacks, Nut Free, Vegetarian and Paleo, you will not be lost in finding at least two weeks ‘ worth of healthy snacks so you can plan ahead.

I want to thank Square One Organics for being a part of my app.

My goal was to begin working with local food companies to be featured in my app.  You will see that more in the next phase as I work with healthy, organic food companies that want to be featured on Snack Smart Solutions.

Snack Smart Solutions is available on both Droid and Apple.

Link for Apple:

Link for Droid:

December 3, 2012 at 4:24 pm 1 comment

Happy Holidays Everyone!

I hope your Thanksgivings were full of family, friends and fabulous food!  Our day was a double celebration.  We had a Birthday party and Thanksgiving all on the same day.I just can’t believe my twins are 11, so amazing and so crazy at the same time.  Moments like these make you stop and reflect on how far we have come since 2001 and what is left to do.

Regarding food, we have come a long way to raise aware on issues like, BPA plastics, the importance of recycling, why organic food is important for infants and kids, quinoa, superfoods and the benefits of gluten-free.  As any parent will tell you, there really isn’t a finish line and there is always something else to be done.  Many times major change starts with baby steps and this year I was so impressed by three important strides.

First, the documentary Carbon Nation, which everyone in my family watched twice.  It is so well done, so easy to understand and most important, very inspiring and uplifting. Watch it to the very end because they give action steps that you can take.  I love action step #5, which says raise your kids allowance when they help reduce the utility bill.  Here is a link to order a copy.  Stocking stuffers for my family members for sure!

Second would have to be Prop 37.  While it did not pass in November, it is an important step to raise awareness and get the conversation about labeling food into the mainstream.  Gary Hirshberg is the CEO of Stoneyfield Farms and a passionate advocate for labeling food.  Here is a link to his new E-Book – Label it Now.  Check out what he has to say on the topic.  I have watched his interviews and read his writings on the topic. You have to love a CEO with a strong moral and social compass.

Finally, I must applaud the amazing and tireless work done at the many food depositories all over the country.  If you follow us on Facebook and twitter, you know we do all we can to support The Oak Park Food Depository and The Greater Chicago Food Depository.  The fact that child food insecurity in this country is 26.7% in unacceptable to me and that is the reason why SQ1 is involved whenever we get a chance.   Feeding America, through its network of food depositories feeds 37 million Americans a year, has a public policy that is based on the values and a mission that together, we are working to ensure that:

Looking for a great gift idea? Check out this gift catalog

November 26, 2012 at 10:03 pm Leave a comment

What’s Cookin? Creamy Pumpkin Pie Latte Smoothie

Our good friend, Jasmine Jafferali, MPH, ACE-CPT has written up a fantastic recipe to share with the SQ1 crowd – featuring a delicious fall/ winter superfood – PUMPKIN!

Jasmine is the Program Director for Healthy Results, Ltd, and Program Coordinator for Educational Fitness Solutions, Inc. She has a diverse fitness background with over ten years of fitness and wellness industry experience working in campus recreation, corporate wellness, and a high-end commercial health club setting. She has presented on a wide range of health and fitness topics for the community, at major corporations, and at national and international conferences. Jasmine specializes in Maternal and Child Health and Wellness focusing on pre and postnatal fitness and is a Master Trainer for Healthy Moms® Fitness and Resist-a-ball®.


Now that my daughter is hooked on Pumpkin Pie Smoothies, I had to go back out to the store and buy more Square One Organics Pumpkin Puree. My husband took the kids out for 24 hours so I can get busy in the kitchen for a local cooking contest, I made this Creamy Pumpkin Pie Latte Smoothie for myself before my friend’s Power for Pink workout here in Chicago. It was just the right kick to start off the day before a fun workout.

Creamy Pumpkin Pie Latte Smoothie:

1 2oz pouch of frozen Square One Organics Pumpkin Puree

1/2 frozen banana

1/2 cup of organic coffee

1/4 cup almond milk

1 scoop of Sunwarrior Raw Warrior Vanilla Protein Powder

1/2 tsp of cinnamon

dash of nutmeg

Blend together and enjoy!

I love fast food breakfast! Don’t you?  I promise both are delicious!

If you want to check out some healthy breakfast tips and the kiddie version of the Pumpkin Pie Smoothie, check out the article!

November 26, 2012 at 7:53 pm Leave a comment

Superfriend of the Month: Tracy Hollenbach

SQ1 is thrilled to shine a light on you all the work Tracy Hollenbach has been doing with The American Dental Association – especially all of the cool stuff that has been incorporated into MouthHealthy, a website created by the American Dental Association just for you.

Your mouth health is an important part of your overall health, and this new website is informative, fun and easy to use. Health information changes all the time and this website will be updated accordingly. Check MouthHealthy often to find answers to all your dental-related questions.

Learn more about our Superfriend of the Month, Tracy and MouthHealthy in the exclusive SQ1 interview below!

Q:  Tracy, tell us a little bit about the American Dental Association and all of the cool stuff you are doing for your new website.
A:  The ADA’s new website,, is consumer focused – providing oral health information to people so they can take better care of their mouths. We wanted to develop this site, which is available in English and Spanish, because awareness and prevention play key roles in maintaining good oral health. has information by life stages and people can search topics from A-Z. ADA Seal of Acceptance products are available for search as well as dentists using the ADA Find-a-Dentist feature. There is even an area devoted to kids – with fun resources and games to help bring awareness to the importance of oral health. In November we are going to be launching the ADA Symptom Checker, an app to help people monitor and maintain their oral health – with a web version on

Q:  How and why did you come to your current position at the American Dental Association?
A:  I have worked at the ADA since 1994 – at first with dental students – educating them as to what the ADA does for the profession. In May 2004 I left after my second child was born, but I continued to consult. In January 2009 I returned full-time in the newly centralized marketing department (I had a third child in August 2006 and realized I’m a better mom when it’s not 24/7). I currently hold the position of senior manager, marketing in the Division of Communications.

Q:  How has working with the American Dental Association impacted your life and what about your job brings you the most joy?
A:  I love my job – it’s true that I really don’t know work outside of the ADA, but I love that it’s a service organization that helps dentists help patients. Working there for so long I have countless friends across the US that are dentists – all of whom love what they do and care about their staff and patients. I also love the people I work with every day. I’m not certain if it’s due to it being a non-profit, but I have always had incredibly nurturing supervisors and colleagues. I remember when I was little and I would ask my dad how work was and his answer would be “work is work.” I’m so glad that I can tell my kids how much I love my job, that it’s something that I am incredibly proud of – yes, work is work, but it’s fulfilling work.

Q:  What’s the one thing that you now know that you wish you knew when you were growing up?
A:  That I probably will live in the Chicagoland area for the rest of my life – so for college go outside of the midwest (I went to Purdue). I wish I could live somewhere else for a spell. Maybe after I send my kids to college.

Q: What is the best advice anyone has ever given you?
A:  That “crisis” and “opportunity” are the same words in Chinese. Not sure if that is factual – but sure makes me feel better when there is a crisis – whether it’s personal or professional.

Q: What is your biggest accomplishment?
A:  My family – not sure how I got so lucky. I have the best husband and kids. I’ve learned that nothing else matters if those who you love are safe, happy and healthy and you are all together.

Q: If you could say something to the next generation what would it be?
A:  Although texting is crazy awesome (I’m a huge fan since I can’t stand the telephone) – make sure you don’t get too caught up with technology.  I went to Mexico and Canada with friends and family this year without an international calling plan – and although it felt weird at first not to have the instant contact option (and I did get separated from my family for half a day in Montreal, which actually ended up not being entirely bad) – they were amazing trips because I got to focus on the people who were with me – and that is time I can cherish forever.

November 6, 2012 at 9:08 pm Leave a comment

Soup’s On!

It’s getting colder outside… so check out these yummy fall soups made with Square One’s 100% organic super foods to warm up your tummies! Cooking is so much fun, so let’s get the kids involved…

There are all kinds of delicious recipes on our website!  We pair each recipe with a children’s book and a track from the SQ1 CD.

Are you cooking with Square One® Organics?  Send your favorite recipes and pictures of kitchen fun with the kids to Caitlin to be featured on our facebook page.  Check out the recipes below and have fun:

Butternut Squash Vegetable Rice Soup

1 (2oz.) Square One Organic Butternut Squashcup, thawed in fridge
1 Tablespoon Square One Soup Starter (see recipe, below)
¾ cup organic 2% milk or water
½ cup cooked brown or white rice
¼ cup frozen mixed vegetables or 2 tablespoons cooked organic navy or garbanzo beans
Yield: 1 serving

In a small saucepan, combine squash and soup starter. Stir in milk or water. Add cooked rice and frozen vegetables. Cook 3 to 4 minutes over medium-low heat until hot and mixture begins to simmer, stirring frequently.

Note: For 2 servings, simply double all ingredients.

Square One Soup Starter (Makes enough for four bowls of soup)

Place ¼ cup organic unbleached all-purpose flour and 4 teaspoons instant chicken bouillon granules in a small container with lid. Cover and shake to combine. If desired, add ¼ teaspoon dried basil or thyme leaves to flour mixture. Cover and store in a cool dry place.

Quick Quinoa Dumplings

Invert one thawed (2oz.) Square One Organic Quinoa cup, onto cutting board. Using the small end of a melon baller, cut about eight dumplings. Add to hot soup.

Harvest Pumpkin Soup

  • 1 (2 oz.) Square One Organic Pumpkin cup, thawed in fridge
  • 1 Tablespoon Square One Soup Starter (see recipe, below)
  • ¾ cup organic 2% milk or water
  • 1 teaspoon organic maple syrup (optional)
  • dash organic ground cinnamon

Yield: 1 serving
In a small saucepan, combine pumpkin and soup starter. Stir in milk or water and syrup. Cook 3 to 4 minutes over medium-low heat or until mixture slightly thickens and begins to simmer, stirring frequently. Add cinnamon.

Read: Too Many Pumpkins by Linda White.

Note: For 2 servings, simply double all ingredients.


You’re Out of Your Gourd Bread

  • 1 cup organic unbleached all-purpose flour 
  • 1 cup organic whole wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1½ teaspoons organic ground cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ cup organic butter, softened
  • 1 cup organic sugar
  • 1 Square One Organic Pumpkin twin pack
    (two 2-oz cups, thawed in fridge)
  • 1 Square One Organic Butternut Squash twin pack
    (two 2-oz cups, thawed in fridge)
  • 2 large organic eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

Yield: 1 loaf

Heat oven to 350 F. Spray the bottom of a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan with nonstick vegetable cooking spray. (Use organic nonstick cooking spray if available and let us know where you found it.) Set pan aside.

Combine the first five ingredients in a medium mixing bowl. Set aside. In large mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar on medium speed of electric mixer. Add pumpkin, butternut squash, eggs and vanilla. Beat on medium speed until blended. Add flour mixture. Beat on low speed until combined.

Spread batter in prepared pan. Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes in pan. Remove from pan and cool on cooling rack. Cool completely before slicing.

* If desired, sprinkle batter with 1 teaspoon organic sugar before baking.

Make your Own – SUPERFOOD Snack Bags – Gourds to GO!

Cut eight ½-inch thick slices from loaf. Lay slices flat on cutting board. Gently press the small end of a melon baller into one slice, cutting twelve to fourteen 1-inch diameter bite-size rounds. (For children under 2 years of age cut rounds in half.) Place rounds in a wax paper-lined ziplock sandwich size bag. Seal and repeat with remaining slices. Place bags in 1-gallon freezer storage bag. Seal and freeze for up to six months.

*SUPERFOOD Snack bags will defrost in about 20 minutes at room temperature and travel well to just about any destination. Discard any unused portion after 4 hours at room temperature. Recycle wax paper; reuse bags

While the pumpkin bread is cooking read Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Browns by Charles M. Schultz.

October 29, 2012 at 5:19 pm Leave a comment

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